2021: The Top 5 Takara Tomy Beyblade Toys of All Time
Every year top Beyblades get knocked down and up-incoming or tried and true Beyblades step up. Here are the top Takara Tomy Beyblades (burst) ranked according to their win rate. This list is made according to the Beyblades performance (knock out ability, stamina, attack, defence, etc), design and functionality characteristics.
1. Helios Volcano Ou Zone'+Z [B-174]
![HELIOS VOLCANO OU ZONE'+Z [B-174]](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0056/5841/1042/files/BBSK-Helios_Volcano_Ou_Zone_27_Z_480x480.png?v=1633299710)
Helios Volcano Ou is a balanced type Attack type Beyblade that was released as part of the Burst System. It evolves from King Helios, appearing in Burst System Starter Packs. The highest version of this Beyblade is Helios Volcano Ou Origin Hazard.
2. Glide Ragnaruk Wheel Revolve 1S [B-161]
![GLIDE RAGNARUK WHEEL REVOLVE 1S [B-161]](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0056/5841/1042/files/Glide_Ragnaruk_Bey_2_480x480.jpg?v=1633299880)
Glide Ragnaruk Wheel Revolve 1S is a secondary evolution of Ragnaro's Beyblade. The two major differences between the two are its cutting power and combo potential (ambush monster). Coupling this Burst System variant with Giga-Never can give any player that extra edge in battle against their opponent.
3. Hyperion Burn Cho Xceed'+X [B-174]
![HYPERION BURN CHO XCEED'+X [B-174]](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0056/5841/1042/files/BBSK-Hyperion_Burn_Cho_Xceed_27_X_480x480.png?v=1633300222)
Hyperion Burn Cho Xceed'+X is a close range attack type bey that evolves from the previous edition of itself. It was released by Takara Tomy in Japan on November 14th, 2020 for 7480 yen and is part of the Burst and Superking Layer types and has great performance and this is thanks to its Triple Generation Upper Attack Ring; Burn, which leads to its hard spike tips gaining more power thanks to the amazing balance.
4. Screw Trident [BG-08]
![SCREW TRIDENT [BG-08]](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0056/5841/1042/files/LayerScrewTrident_480x480.png?v=1633300655)
Screw Trident features three large blades. When paired with the Layer below it, Scre Trident creates an overall triangular shape. When struck by an opposing Layer, this feature is heightened, causing Bind Defense.
5. Master Diabolos Generate [B-155]
![MASTER DIABOLOS GENERATE [B-155]](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0056/5841/1042/files/Master_Diabolos_Bey_480x480.jpg?v=1633301070)
Master Diabolos Generate is an excellent specimen. Known for its exceptional tracking ability and power, it’s no surprise that it was dubbed Commander by fans. It packs all the power you want in your top tier fusion wheel while having great stamina through its superbly-balanced attack/defense capabilities. Although this Beyblade has since received beys with better stamina and attack potential out there, you should still get yourself this masterpiece if you just can't seem to find any other worthy fusions that don’t possess outrageous prices. Master Diabolos Generate also makes for fantastic battlers if you're looking to spice up your collection!
And there you have it. The top 5 Burst Beyblades of 2021! Check out our Verified Authentic collection for awesome Beys including some in this article!